This site (Win Souls for Christ) is all about letting the user know the full purpose of the Gospel. This is not an advertising website to sell products, rather every single person might come to know about Jesus Christ. People who have heard about the gospel would know that Jesus is the only savior and redeemer, alone who has died for our sins.
- He rose up from the dead on the third day and ascended and sat down at the right hand of God.
- He is waiting there until his “second advent” or “second coming” when he will rule and reign as the Lord of lords and King of kings.
Win Souls for Christ Explained!
This website is solely for the purpose of winning souls for Christ, as the domain name reflects. There are various teachings available here where one can read and be enlightened. Being a believer myself, I want to reach out to the world and speak about the Lord Jesus and what he has done in our lives. I am very much touched by the Bible and want solely to live for him.
The bible says, “Whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.” This is the theme of the whole Bible :- “Salvation of whole mankind through Christ alone”.
Win Souls for Christ: Mission & Works
- Our ultimate purpose is to know Christ and make him known to this lost and dying world through the life-transforming words of Christ contained in the holy bible that all might be saved from eternal damnation in hell-fire
He is the only foundation and cornerstone of our faith.
In the post you will find daily devotionals, short sermons, quotes, poems, and many articles that will give you a clear idea and knowledge regarding the scripture. So, we recommend you to please study the bible and be saved by the blood of Jesus Christ. Jesus doesn’t want a single soul to perish, rather all come to him and hold onto his high calling in their life.
This website “Win Souls for Christ” has been designed by the will of the Almighty God that many lives might be touched through the life-transforming words of Christ and by the grace of God that all might taste his goodness and mercies in a way that they had never experienced before.
Special prayer requests and more!!
We request all the viewers and readers to uphold this website in your fervent prayers and the people behind this solemn work that the Lord God Almighty would pour out his favor and grace upon them so that the Lord who started this good work among them will bring it to completion until the day of revelation of Jesus Christ. Please do visit our “Pray with Us” page, and find the prayer list, we observe to look forward in our daily life to quiet time with the Lord.
If you seek for any prayer request, or need any bible study guidance, we earnestly desire to meet your spiritual needs through Holy Spirit conviction. In order to contact us, you can fill up your details by visiting the “Contact Us” page like: “Name”, “Email-id”, “Message that you want to share”, and click on the submit button. We will reach to meet your expectations as soon as possible.
As per the divine promise given to all mankind…the scripture says:
“And Jesus Said: lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen…”