God Is Good | His Love Endures

God Is Good | His Love Endures

Still in its naturality, begin to wisdom, god is good

What a rise to civilization, giving a way to offspring

God is good

This is the root of men that destruction follows as we are surrounded by evil

Knowing that sin is evil, we are crowded to wages of corruption

Then we know, how good is God when he sends his seed into the world,

and the world knows he lives

There is a name we are free to call you by

A power that you have loved us all,

By this we call you father cause you are good

Nowhere to see, but still fresh in heart, where can we know, how you are

Still fresh with light, cloud and sky, a deep place where throne is seen and you are there

A nation that will rise to seek you, a name that will come after you

People will know you that you live, cause you are good

And great is your name

We say this that you came here to say

Now a time that you will come again, a time we don’t know, neither one can say,

so good is our god

None can say, how good how deep is your love

Still in our heart, mind and soul, a name so deep to contain with, our god so wide with

You walk with us, all way to heaven

You stretch your arms to catch us,

Like a father, you guide us

Show us love through your son

Never abandon us in times of darkness

How can one depart from your presence, there is god’s love so deep in us

Begin our journey each day to a new time and every renewing to our thoughts

You see so out of deep ocean,

Inspite of evil that overshadows us, there is a light that is not far but always surrounds

Where there is everlasting joy and the river of love never ends

God’s love endures!!!