Revelatory Study
Gift of Discernment Of Spirits
The “gift of discernment of spirits” is a special provision of God that can assist us in distinguishing the presence of Holy spirit and Evil spirit in people’s lives.
Exclusivity of Paul’s ministry
I did not receive it from any man, nor was I taught it; rather, I received it by revelation from Jesus Christ.
Gift of prophecy
Let us briefly focus on the gift of prophecy..Many people see this as fore-telling but it actually means the interpretation of God’s will for an individual or a group of people through special revelation
Prophecy Vs. Preaching
Don’t be confused. “Preaching” is not the same as “prophecy”. That is what many teachers of God’s word say. Preaching originates from “scriptural revelation” and prophecy stems from “special revelation.
Anticipating the potential of the Holy spirit
Some people think that worship is all about singing, dancing & shouting the Lord’s name at the top of their voice
Gift of Knowledge
When you begin to operate in this special provision of the Holy spirit, he reveals you the exact state or condition of a person’s life….
Are Apostles And Prophets For Today
Some christian leaders today think that the office of the apostle is vacant in today’s church. According to them they have disappeared from the scene with the death of all original apostles of Christ…
Are all gifts for everyone
Are all apostles?? Are all prophets?? Are all teachers?? Do all work miracles?? Do all have gifts of healing?? Do all speak in tongues?? Do all interpret?? Remember,
The Need Of Supernatural
There is no lack of encouragement towards evangelism and soul-winning in today’s churches..But still the youths who cover an indispensable part of the congregation are reluctant…